Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

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Our Purpose Uncovered

What is God's Purpose for My Life?

On April 15, we went Dumpster Diving!
That's right: Dumpster Diving to uncover God's purpose for our lives!
Susan Penning gave us encouraging and thoughtful words to consider. First we wrote down something that we can not change. She gave us 5 minutes to mentally “throw a fit and complain” about that situation. Then, we crumpled those papers and literally threw them away. We are not to think about them again! The following are notes from a handout Susan gave each lady.
Throwing away those things
that we can not change.
We are created for a divine purpose.

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

Scripture confirms that we are created for a divine purpose.

God gives us unique skills, talents, and desires meant to work together to fulfill His master plan for our lives. We are unique treasures, capable of making a mark on the world no on else can make.
God's glory is man fully alive!” John 10:10
God's designed us so that in order to be fully alive, we must operate from the center of His will. This begins with obedience to his Word and submission to the Holy Spirit.
Why don't we live out God's purpose for our lives?
WHY We Don't Live Out God's Purpose For Our Lives:
1. We are (consciously and subconsciously) sabotaging it.
FEAR” is a four-letter word. It is Satan's use of massive destruction.
5 Core Fears:
* Fear of failure,
* Fear of success,
* Fear of rejection,
* Fear of change, and
* Fear of worthlessness
Circumstances don't control me. The Holy Spirit controls me.
People don't direct me. God directs me.
2. We can't figure out what it is.
This is the time to do some dumpster diving of the heart.
When we take time to reflect on some of our life experiences, we can uncover many useful clues to our divine purpose.
Your calling may be more an act of recovery than discovery.
How do we uncover God's purpose?
Ask yourself these questions....
HOW TO Uncover God's Purpose for your life:
Peruse the past, looking for clues that may help you better understand what path you should take.
Here are some questions to ask yourself.
1. What have I accomplished that has made me feel significant? _________________
2. What projects/moments have brought me joy and satisfaction? ____________________
3. What have I been praised for? _______________________
4. How would I like to make a difference in the world? _____________________
5. What causes or situations have moved me emotionally, compelling me to take actions? ________________
6. What do I want people to say about me at my funeral? __________________
Then, explore patterns of opportunity. Recall situations when doors easily opened for you.
1. When was I called upon as a subject matter expert or asked for advice on a topic? _____________________
2. What could I do for a long time without paying attention to the clock? _________________________
3. What do I seem to be good at doing? ____________________
We have the opportunity to experience immense
 joy, peace, and fulfillment
Susan encouraged the ladies to look back at our answers to the questions. Were there any intersecting opportunities or patterns? When choosing future jobs and projects, be discerning and consider only the opportunities that complement those answers (whenever possible).
She concluded with, “If we look for ways to use our God-given skills, talents and desires to accomplish a greater purpose, we have the opportunity to experience immense joy, peace, and fulfillment.
For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord,
plans to prosper you
and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

You Are Created for a DIVINE PURPOSE!!

  Check out Susan's blog!
Go to our "Links" page above.

Our LAST event of the season - Mark Your Calendars!!!!
May 20– Purpose: Spring Picnic

At 10:00 am (note time change), we will meet at the park in McAlisterville. Come share ideas for outdoor fun for both children and adults. Bring your own sandwiches and a finger food to share. Drinks, cups, and napkins will be provided. Childcare workers will be on location.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dumpster Diving

Our next event will feature the return of a popular speaker: Susan Penning. 

Do you ever feel your life has no purpose?  Susan will take us “Dumpster Diving to Uncover God’s Purpose for Your Life”. This is a free event and as always, LIFT is open to all women not matter your age or church affiliation. Free childcare is available in 3 supervised age groups plus a homeschool group. If you have any questions call 734-2122.