Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Give A Meal and Meal Ideas

“Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8b.

We are going to continue our year of giving back by giving a meal and meal ideas. If you can, bring your favorite crock pot dish or oven baked dish to share. Don’t worry, if you decide to come last minute, it’s ok if you can’t bring any food. I’m sure we will have plenty.

Also bring the recipe for your meal
and any other favorite recipes
or money saving ideas you can share with the group.
We always need money saving ideas!!

We will then be dividing up the extra food everyone brought in order to give nice meals to shut-ins. These individuals will be primary from those in need at the Lost Creek Mennonite Church. However, if you know of someone in need, please contact Wanda at:

See Christmas Angel Project post below.