**Our Gift To You**
We want to give a gift to you! Come savor a free Christmas Brunch catered by Joni Geissinger, local Pampered Chef consultant on Wednesday December 8, 9:15am - 11:00am. This is our gift to you. The room will be decorated, music will be playing, and best of all ladies will be together having a good time. Invite a friend to a Christmas Brunch. Free childcare always provided. Come as you are, you need a break!
On the Menu: Appetizers, Punch, Breakfast Lasagna, Quiche, Fruit Salad, Muffins, and Coffee Cake. www.pamperedchef.biz/jonigeissinger
**Give A Gift**
BRING: A $5 wrapped gift for a gift exchange (optional) and your Christmas Angel gift (if you had signed up)
Invite a friend to our Christmas Brunch. See you then!
Invite a friend to our Christmas Brunch. See you then!