Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Brunch, December 8

**Our Gift To You**

We want to give a gift to you! Come savor a free Christmas Brunch catered by Joni Geissinger, local Pampered Chef consultant on Wednesday December 8, 9:15am - 11:00am. This is our gift to you. The room will be decorated, music will be playing, and best of all ladies will be together having a good time. Invite a friend to a Christmas Brunch. Free childcare always provided. Come as you are, you need a break!

On the Menu: Appetizers, Punch, Breakfast Lasagna, Quiche, Fruit Salad, Muffins, and Coffee Cake.

**Give A Gift**

BRING: A $5 wrapped gift for a gift exchange (optional) and your Christmas Angel gift (if you had signed up)

Invite a friend to our Christmas Brunch. See you then!

Christmas Angel Project

As you shop for the local child you chose from our Christmas Angel tree, remember to pray for the child as well. Then:
• wrap your gift,
• attach the ornament tag,
• and bring to our December 8 brunch.

If you can not bring your item, please let someone from the committee know as soon as possible since the gifts will be delivered to the organization that day.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 17: GIVE A Meal and Meal Ideas

Strong wind and no electricity did not stop us from getting together to chat, share recipes and helpful hints, hear God’s word, and eat good food! Praise the Lord, the lights did come on just in time for our Wednesday November 17 event. We assembled seven boxes full of yummy meals to share with home-bound individuals in need.

Recipe Swap

One of the many favorites recipes:
Thanksgiving in a Pan
From Heather
1 pkg (6 oz) stuffing mix
2 ½ c cubed cooked turkey
2 c frozen cut green beans, thawed or one can (14.5 oz) of green beans
1 jar (12 oz) turkey gravy
Pepper to taste
Prepare stuffing according to package directions. Transfer to a greased 11 x 7 x 2 in. baking dish. Top with turkey, beans, gravy and pepper. Cover and bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes until heated. Serves 6.

Open the link to see all the recipes that were shared:

Helpful Hints &
Money Saving Tips
Open the link to see over 20 helpful hints in the kitchen.

We had great discussions and even learned how to save hundreds of dollars at the Giant Stores in State College! Some hints included:
Food tips:
1. Rock-hard brown sugar- add a slice of soft bread to the container of brown sugar and close tightly. In a few hours the sugar will be soft again. 5. To melt crystallized honey, heat uncovered jar in the microwave on high for 30-45 seconds. May need to repeat for large jar.
Money Saving Ideas: 9. Buy in bulk and split into smaller portions and freeze. (meat, cheese, etc) 10. Coupon shopping- Weis in Mifflintown doubles coupons up to $0.50. Giant in State College will double coupons up to $1.
Cooking & Baking Tips: 11. Always heat the frying pan before adding oil or butter. This will keep things from sticking to the pan. 16. To slice meat into thin strips, as for stir-fry dishes, partially freeze it so it will slice more easily.
Clean Ups: 20. Dishwasher soap film- run a cup of white vinegar through the entire cycle in an empty dishwasher to remove all soap film. 22. Clean refrigerator- wash inside and out with a mixture of 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a quart of warm water.

Lori encouraged us to compare our personalities to Simon Peter. She showed us Luke 5: 1-11. Peter wasn’t perfect, had a quick temper, was courageous, was low in faith, and even denied Jesus. Just like Peter, our lives are in God’s hands. There are “God-Things” in our lives. God does not make any mistakes. Sometime obedience to God does not make sense. But, Peter did not keep the good things to himself. He spread the good news of Jesus as our Savior. Peter did awesome things for Jesus, so can you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Give A Meal and Meal Ideas

“Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8b.

We are going to continue our year of giving back by giving a meal and meal ideas. If you can, bring your favorite crock pot dish or oven baked dish to share. Don’t worry, if you decide to come last minute, it’s ok if you can’t bring any food. I’m sure we will have plenty.

Also bring the recipe for your meal
and any other favorite recipes
or money saving ideas you can share with the group.
We always need money saving ideas!!

We will then be dividing up the extra food everyone brought in order to give nice meals to shut-ins. These individuals will be primary from those in need at the Lost Creek Mennonite Church. However, if you know of someone in need, please contact Wanda at:

See Christmas Angel Project post below.

Christmas Angel Project

Consider if you're able to contribute to the Christmas Angel Project.
Pick an ornament off the tree, purchase, and wrap the item(s) listed.
Here is a listing of what is needed for the children we are assisting within Juniata County:

10 Year Old Boy:
-Pants, Sweat Shirt, Shirt, Sweater, Coat, PJ's, Socks, Underwear, and Toy/Game or/Book

1 Year Old Girl:
-Pants, Sweat Shirt, Shirt, Sweater, Coat, PJ's, Socks, Diapers, and Toy/Game or/Book

Then attach your ornament to your package and bring to the December 8 LIFT Brunch. - On Behalf of the kids: Thanks!