Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

2016-2017 LIFT Events

2016-2017 LIFT Event Schedule
"Destress & Be Blessed"

September 21
Yogurt Bar Social

We welcome you back for a new year of blessings
at LIFT. Come and destress with a yummy yogurt
bar social complete with all the fixings.

October 19
De-stressing Through Prayer

Lori Apple, local mother of two teen daughters,
will be sharing on destressing through prayer.
She will share her own helpful insights as well
as input from various friends.

November 16
Painting Party

Destress and create by painting your own
Christmas canvas. Judy Mummau will give
step by step instructions, so no art skills
are needed! We ask $10.00 to cover supplies.

December 14
DIY Spa Christmas Gifts

Don’t stress about those last minute gifts!
Come assemble an array of DIY spa Christmas
gifts for yourself and/or loved ones. Share in the
spirit of the season by giving a blessing.

January 18
Round Table Discussion

Start the New Year stress free! Our winter
round table will include topics of parenting,
cooking, cleaning, and more. If you would
like to participate in a recipe swap, please
bring 20 copies of a favorite recipe.

February 15
Relieve Stress in Your Marriage

Jana Snyder, speaker/counselor/educator at
Taraja Ministries, will share on relationship
with your spouse. She resides in Richfield
with her husband, Joel, and they have a daughter Ella.
Don’t Stress About It! Officer Trisha Moench
and her husband, Constable Tim Moench,
will be teaching us a women’s selfdefence
class. Join us as we seek to lessen
vulnerability to attacks, learn strategies for
handling various attacks and more.

March 15
Women’s Self-Defense Class

Don’t Stress About It! Officer Trisha Moench
and her husband, Constable Tim Moench,
will be teaching us a women’s selfdefence
class. Join us as we seek to lessen
vulnerability to attacks, learn strategies for
handling various attacks and more.

April 19
Spring Spa Sensation

Come relax and let the stress melt away
when you pamper your feet, hands, and/or face.
Relaxing reflexology will be offered as well.

May 17
Raising Modest and Pure Children

How can we communicate modesty and purity
to our children and apply it to our own lives?
A representative from Crossroads Pregnancy
Center will share helpful information on a sometimes stressful topic.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Floral Arranging at May LIFT event

Our favorite gardener returned to LIFT. Maggie Shafferman of
Hunters Run Nursery, Port Royal, showed us how to make
beautiful floral arrangements using a variety of flowers and greenery.
May 18, 2016

April 20 LIFT Event

Highlights from LIFT on April 20, 2016. "Race For Her" organizers shared their testimonies
and vision for "Race For Her." We also had a WAR Int'l Jewelry Party.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 20 LIFT Event

Wednesday, April 20
9:00 a.m.- Social Time
9:15 a.m.- Refreshments
9:30 a.m.- Event

April is Sexual Abuse Awareness Month. Our speakers will be from the Race for Her organization.  Sue Sheller, Sari Esh and Suzanne King will share about how human trafficking is still occurring today.
In conjunction with our speakers we will also have a WAR International Jewelry Party.  WAR International is another organization that focuses on rescuing women and children in slavery situations.
Learn more about Race for Her: HERE
Learn more about WAR International: HERE
We are moving on from our study of Nehemiah to Psalm 103 and will apply the same three questions to this Scripture.  If you believe this passage of Scripture is true, what does this mean about God, you, and the world? Please bring your Bibles
- LIFT is held at Lost Creek Mennonite Church near Oakland Mills.
- Free childcare is provided.
- All ladies are welcome- bring your friends!
- “Speak Up!” (this year’s LIFT theme) “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” Proverbs 31:8

Next Month’s Meeting- May 18
Farewell, Flip Flops, Flowers, Fudge. Warmer weather is here and Maggie Shafferman is back at LIFT. Our favorite gardener will demonstrate how to use cut flowers to make an attractive arrangement.
We hope to see you at LIFT!!


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Natural Spring Cleaning Solutions: 3-16-16

3-16-16 LIFT Event: Natural Spring Cleaning Solutions

Natural Spring Cleaning Solutions

Wednesday, March 16
9:00am - Social Time
9:15am - Refreshments
9:30am - Devotions and Prayer
10:00am - Event: Natural Spring Cleaning Solutions

Tackle spring cleaning with natural products and essential oils! Wendy Kerstetter will help us make a few DIY safe, nontoxic recipes to take home that will help give you and your home a fresh start after the cold winter months. A $5 donation is appreciated for supplies.

Open to the women of all ages regardless of church affiliation
Free structured child care in 3 age groups.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Journey With Depression

LIFT: Journey with Depression
Tabitha Goodling shared her journey with depression and encouraged our group with the words and wisdom she shared.

"I decided that I had to start sharing what I now know. My story was vital. If a Christian woman would have stepped out and shared honestly that her life was not perfect, that her marriage was not perfect, that she struggled with dark thoughts - maybe-maybe I would have sought help sooner."

Tabitha credited two books with helping her through her journey:
- Victory Over Darkness and Bondage Breaker by Neil T. Anderson
- Loved Back to Life by Shelia Walsh was suggested as well.
- Shepherds Fold Ministry in Richfield, PA was highly recommended. They take donations for their services.

Tabitha quoted from Victory Over Darkness: "Our defense against direct attacks by the evil one is to speak aloud God's truth. Why is it so important to speak God's Word in addition to believing it and speaking? Because Satan is not omniscient. He doesn't perfectly know what you're thinking."

People in our lives need to see Christ in us - not just how we handle success, but how we handle failures and downfalls.

"Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.' So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. " 2 Corinthians 12:8-9

"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." Proverbs 11:2

Tabitha closed with lyrics from Francesca Battistelli's song, "If We're Honest"
Listen to this song HERE.

Please plan to join us next month:

March 16
Natural Spring Cleaning Solutions: Tackle spring cleaning with natural products and essential oils! Wendy Kerstetter will help us make a few DIY safe, nontoxic recipes to take home that will help give you and your home a fresh start after the cold winter months. A $5 donation is appreciated for supplies.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Journey With Depression: Feb. 17

LIFT Event: Journey With Depression, Wednesday, February 17, 9:30am

Wednesday, February 17
at Lost Creek Mennonite Church, Oakland Mills

Come join us for a time of refreshment and encouragement.

Tabitha Goodling, a freelance writer and mother of four girls, will share her journey with depression. The tasks of a busy family, maintaining a household, and working a demanding job had left her in a puddle of despair over the last 10 years. She was officially diagnosed with anxiety/mild depression in 2001. But in 2014 she was made aware her depression was in fact chronic. She will explain how God transformed her views on mental illness and how she daily needs to reach for His hand to climb out of the pit of depression.

Free Community Event.
9:00-9:30 Social Time and Refreshments.
9:30-10:00 Devotions and Prayer
10:00-11:00 Event: Speaker

Free Childcare is available in 3 structured age groups.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Parenting Roundtable

Parenting Roundtable: January 20
Great fellowship, laughter, advice, and encouragement!

We continued our Bible study from Nehemiah
"Nehemiah read the Book of the Law aloud from daybreak till noon as he faced the square before the Water Gate in the presence of the men, women and others who could understand. And all the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law." Nehemiah 8:3          


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Parenting Roundtable: January 20

February 20: Parenting Roundtable

January 20
9:00 - Social Time
9:15 - Refreshments
9:30 - Begins with Devotions, Prayer, and Today's Event

Parenting Roundtable. 
Parenting is hard, but let’s share lessons we each have learned– whether it is what to do or what not to do.  Bring your own parenting questions to get advice from other mothers.
Please read Nehemiah 8:1-12 and bring your Bibles! We will discuss the following questions: if you believe this passage of Scripture is true, what does this mean about God, you and the world?
Inclement weather reminder- When the Juniata County School District cancels classes, LIFT will automatically be cancelled. In the case of a 2-hour delay LIFT will begin at 10:30 am. If weather conditions are questionable, cancellations will be given on the following radio stations: WJUN, WGRC and WQJU and you will notified via email or you can check the blog or Facebook page.
·        LIFT is held at Lost Creek Mennonite Church near Oakland Mills.
·        Free childcare is provided.
·        All ladies are welcome- bring your friends!
·        “Speak Up!” (this year’s LIFT theme) “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” Proverbs 31:8

Christmas Brunch

December 9: Christmas Brunch
Catered Brunch, Devotions from Nehemiah,
Decoration by Hunter's Run Nursery, and
Donations to the Christmas Angel Project