Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Essentials Oils of the Bible - JOY!

LIFT event "Oils of the Bible" November 19
“Don't let anything steal your joy!”
Judy began by encouraging the ladies to think about what might steal their joy
and to guard against letting anything or anyone steal their joy.

Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." Neh 8:10

If the joy of the Lord is your strength
then the joy of the mom is her children's strength.

The “Oil of Joy” was literally in the air
during our November LIFT event.
Wendy Kerstetter came and gave Biblical information and helpful tips about using essential oils.

Essential Oils References in the Bible:
1031 References of essential oils and/or plants that produce them.
33 species of essential oils
70% (46 out of 66) books of the Bible mention essential oils and/or aromatic plants from which they derive.

What are Essential Oils: “Natural aromatic compounds in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants.

They are 70 times more powerful than dried herbs.

Wendy mentioned several oils and their benefits. Check out these slides on our facebook page. Link Here
So many fragrant oils to smell
Congrats to Jessica for winning the Essential Oils kit!!
Thanks to those that contributed special touches to make our event so sweet!

You made Christmas special for two local children.
Thank you to everyone that brought gifts for Christmas Angel.
Mark your calendars:
December 10–  Celebrate Jesus’ Birth
Come for a Christmas brunch
and a simple ornament craft.
Bring a dish to share and, if you wish, a gift for the Juniata County Food Pantry
(paper or cleaning products, canned goods, etc.)