Our first LIFT of the new season began with a
Sunny Salad Bar Social
Wednesday, September 17
Sunflowers filled the room and bouquets went home with several lucky ladies.
Judy began our time with a sunflower devotional and Mashelle followed with prayer.
"For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11
Devotional from http://juliabettencourt.com
Sunflowers Track The Sun. Most plants are attracted to light but the flowering head of the sunflower actually tracks the sun following it's path and moving toward where it is in the sky all during the day. I read somewhere that sunflowers track the sun when they are in bud stage. Isn't that how it usually goes for us as Christians? When we first come to know the Lord, we get excited about knowing all about Him and living for Him, but after awhile we sometimes grow a little preoccupied with other things and get our eyes off of the Lord.
Wouldn't it be great if as a Christian we'd track the Son of God and follow Him all day long? No matter what was going on in our lives and throughout our day, we wouldn't take our eyes off of the Son.
Sunflowers Need to be Stabilized.
The second thing I've learned about the sunflower is that it that it needs to be firmly planted in the soil in order to grow. Sunflowers grow so tall and their stems become so heavy that they will topple over if they aren't stabilized in the ground.
I know as a Christian it's very easy to topple over if we are not grounded in the Word of God. We need to know what and why we believe what we do so our feet are firmly planted and we won't falter in our Christian growth.
Wouldn't it be great if as a Christian we'd track the Son of God and follow Him all day long? No matter what was going on in our lives and throughout our day, we wouldn't take our eyes off of the Son.
Sunflowers Need to be Stabilized.
The second thing I've learned about the sunflower is that it that it needs to be firmly planted in the soil in order to grow. Sunflowers grow so tall and their stems become so heavy that they will topple over if they aren't stabilized in the ground.
I know as a Christian it's very easy to topple over if we are not grounded in the Word of God. We need to know what and why we believe what we do so our feet are firmly planted and we won't falter in our Christian growth.
Van Gogh painted several beautiful sunflower pictures |
Did you know that a single sunflower can have up to 2,000 seeds? When we think about sowing seeds as a Christian, just think of the potential reach that each of us can have to spread the Gospel. It could be limitless if we would just sow those seeds.
Sunflowers Produce Oil.
The oil that the sunflower produces is considered a good oil with healthy benefits. As Christians we should be producing the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith). All of those have some healthy benefits on us as Christians and on others that we meet.
Sunflowers Resemble The Sun.
Sunflowers not only follow the sun but when you look at them, they resemble the sun too. Resembling the Son should be one of those things we do as a Christian. Being Christ-like is an essential part of being a Christian.
Good times together with Christian women |