Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Salad Bar Social September 17

 Our first LIFT of the new season began with a
Sunny Salad Bar Social
Wednesday, September 17

Sunflowers filled the room and bouquets went home with several lucky ladies.
Judy began our time with a sunflower devotional and Mashelle followed with prayer.

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly."   Psalm 84:11

Devotional from
Sunflowers Track The Sun. Most plants are attracted to light but the flowering head of the sunflower actually tracks the sun following it's path and moving toward where it is in the sky all during the day. I read somewhere that sunflowers track the sun when they are in bud stage. Isn't that how it usually goes for us as Christians? When we first come to know the Lord, we get excited about knowing all about Him and living for Him, but after awhile we sometimes grow a little preoccupied with other things and get our eyes off of the Lord.

Wouldn't it be great if as a Christian we'd track the Son of God and follow Him all day long? No matter what was going on in our lives and throughout our day, we wouldn't take our eyes off of the Son.

Sunflowers Need to be Stabilized.
The second thing I've learned about the sunflower is that it that it needs to be firmly planted in the soil in order to grow. Sunflowers grow so tall and their stems become so heavy that they will topple over if they aren't stabilized in the ground.

I know as a Christian it's very easy to topple over if we are not grounded in the Word of God. We need to know what and why we believe what we do so our feet are firmly planted and we won't falter in our Christian growth.
Van Gogh painted several beautiful
sunflower pictures
Sunflowers Produce Seeds.
Did you know that a single sunflower can have up to 2,000 seeds? When we think about sowing seeds as a Christian, just think of the potential reach that each of us can have to spread the Gospel. It could be limitless if we would just sow those seeds.

Sunflowers Produce Oil.
The oil that the sunflower produces is considered a good oil with healthy benefits. As Christians we should be producing the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith). All of those have some healthy benefits on us as Christians and on others that we meet.

Sunflowers Resemble The Sun.
Sunflowers not only follow the sun but when you look at them, they resemble the sun too. Resembling the Son should be one of those things we do as a Christian. Being Christ-like is an essential part of being a Christian.
Good times together with Christian women
Salad Bar with many delicious fixins'!

We're so grateful for our wonderful childcare staff!!
Free childcare offered to the mothers!

Mark you calendars:
Next Month

Purpose: Fall Craft
October 15

Fall Craft– Canning jars (and other glass jars) can be re-purposed in so many ways. We will color glass jars to use as decoration.  Fall silk flowers will be available to add to your jar.  Some jars will be available or you may bring one of your own to color.

2014-15 Schedule

Spread the Word:

September 17– Purpose: Welcome to a New Year
Welcome to LIFT! We will begin our new year with a salad bar and social time.  Please bring a salad topping or dressing to share.

October 15– Purpose: Fall Craft
Fall Craft– Canning jars (and other glass jars) can be re-purposed in so many ways. We will color glass jars to use as decoration.  Fall silk flowers will be available to add to your jar.  Some jars will be available or you may bring one of your own to color.

November 19– Purpose: Essential Oils 101
Oils, incense, perfumes, ointments, fragrances and spices are mentioned throughout the Bible. What were they? What was God’s purpose for these special oils? Wendy Kerstetter will share about these essential oils and how they can be used today.

December 10– Purpose: Celebrate Jesus’ Birth
Come for a Christmas brunch and a simple ornament craft. Bring a dish to share and, if you wish, a gift for the Juniata County Food Pantry (paper or cleaning products, canned goods, etc.)

January 21– Purpose: Relaxation
Spa day- Come for a chance to pamper your feet, hands, and/or face. Massages will be offered too. Everything will be provided.

February 18– Purpose: Surviving the Teen Years
Danny Reed of Central PA Youth Ministry will speak on successfully parenting and surviving the Tween and Teen years.  Come hear how to interact with this age group whether you have children in this age group yet or not.

March 18– Purpose: Easter Craft
It’s spring!  Come celebrate the season change with an Easter craft.  We will be decorating a wooden rabbit.

April 15– Purpose: What is My Purpose?
Do you ever feel your life has no purpose?  Our speaker Susan Penning will take us “Dumpster Diving to Uncover God’s Purpose for Your Life”.

May 20– Purpose: Spring Picnic
At 10:00 am (note time change), we will meet at the park in McAlisterville. Come share ideas for outdoor fun for both children and adults. Bring your own sandwiches and a finger food to share. Drinks, cups, and napkins will be provided. Childcare workers will be on location.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Salad Bar Social

Purpose: Welcome to a New Year
Salad Bar Social
Wednesday, September 17
9:00am - 11:00am

Welcome to LIFT!
We will begin our new year with a salad bar and social time. 
at Lost Creek Mennonite Church, near Oakland Mills
Invite a friend or neighbor.
Bring: Salad toppings or dressing to share (although you never have to bring anything!)
Free Childcare! NEW this year: a special area for home school children will be available! Let me know if you have any questions about that.
* Sharing Table: Have any produce to share? Clothing that's outgrown? Bargains to pass along? Bring them to the sharing table.
* Follow us on facebook. Invite your friends to like our facebook page.
We hope to see you soon!!