Joy to the world,
The Lord has come!
Let us REJOICE and be GLAD in it!
Please join us for our next LIFT event:
9:00am - 11:00am
Brunch, Much Celebrating
lady may bring a food to share for our Christmas
brunch and social.
We also will collect donations for the Juniata County Food
(food, toiletry items, cleaning products, or money).
Things to Remember:
* Bring (optional) a small dish of food to share for our brunch, and food pantry items. Did I say optional? Yes, this is optional! :-)
* Reminder (even though it was over 60 degrees today!) that if the JC School District is delayed, we will start at 10:30. If they are canceled, we will cancel.
* Free childcare again by our AWESOME
staff!! (donations welcome).
* We'll still have our "Sharing Table". You may bring
something you think another LIFT mom would