Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Living Rich on Less" is topic of next event!

November 20

Little Money,
Much Inspiration

Learn how to create the look you love for less. Susan Penning, creator of an inspirational and humorous frugal living website will share budget-friendly decorating, organizing and home improvement tips.

Free Childcare. Free event.
Held at Lost Creek Mennonite Church, Mifflintown.
* If the Juniata County Schools are on a 2 hour delay, we will start at 10:30. If they are canceled, we will cancel.
* Free childcare again by our AWESOME staff!! (donations welcome).
* We'll still have our "Sharing Table". You may bring something you think another LIFT mom would appreciate.
* Don't forget to "LIKE" us on facebook and SHARE: "Juniata Ladies In Fellowship Together" (65 friends and counting)