Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Vegetable Gardening Tips at May 15 LIFT

Gathering with friends at the final LIFT event of the season.
On Wednesday, May 15, our LIFT centered around “Veggie Gardening Tips”.
Although we were not able to meet at the park due to rain and cold weather, we enjoyed our time together at the church.

"Year In Review" game! Congrats Lyndsay!
Judy began the event with a fun “Year In Review” game. Contestants could use three life lines to help them answer questions about this past year.
How well would you have done? Some questions included:
1. In November, what kind of ideas did we share?
2. We were able to "Call Her (and him) Blessed" through the THIS project by supporting two children within Juniata county.
3. Who decorated for our Christmas brunch with fresh smelling greens and poinsettias?
4. In January, Brenda Auker spoke about how to support a grieving friend. She said that most people need about HOW MANY years to grieve?
(1. Homemade Gifts, 2. Christmas Angel, 3. Maggie Shafferman 4. Two years)

We had our time of prayer and sharing.

Maggie Shafferman of Hunter's Run Nursery,
gave vegetable gardening and pest control tips.
Maggie Shafferman of Hunter’s Run Nursery gave us some vegetable gardening and pest control tips. She gave our “money” to those that knew answers to some of her gardening questions. Ladies were able to cash in their money for plants of their own!
Did you know there are 12 different soil types?
If you have clay soil, add organic material (compost, veggie scraps, grass clippings, leaves, and/or manure). Chicken and sheep manure are good to put on your gardens. It is best to put the manure on in the fall so it has time to decompose.

Did you know you should buy shorter veggie plants at the greenhouse?
Tall plants have been given more nitrogen. Shorter plants will not suffer as much from transplant shock.

Did you know the best time to water is from 6:00am-8:00am?
This is the best way to PREVENT DISEASES. When you water at night, you are helping to feed fungus that comes out at night. In the morning, plants are at their ready to grow point. But, water when your plants need it!!

When is the best time to plant your vegetables?
After May. Around a full moon. At this time, there would not be a threat of frost.

Our new LIFT year will begin on September 18.
Have a Safe and Fun Summer!!