Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Make & Take Purse Craft

Many fabric colors to pick from!
April 17
9:00am - 11:00am

Make & Take a New Purse
Using an ordinary fabric placemat we will each create a one-of-kind purse.
Supplies will be provided. Cost: $4.


* Free childcare available in 3 different age groups by our AWESOME staff. (donations welcome)

* Bring: A friend or neighbor that could be encouraged with the word of God and support of other women.

* "Sharing Table" You may bring something you think another LIFT lady would appreciate.

* Don't forget to "LIKE" us on facebook:
* Please continue to pray for LIFT as we make decisions and try to fulfill our goal of blessing each lady.

We look forward to Calling YOU blessed!