Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Supporting a Grieving Friend

Wednesday, January 16
9:00am -11:00am
How to Support a Grieving Friend

Brenda Auker, a registered nurse and bereavement counselor,
will give us some tips on how to support friends who have experienced a loss.
Held at Lost Creek Mennonite Church, Oakland Mills.

* Free Childcare available in 3 different age groups.
* If there is a 2 hour delay for school: LIFT will begin at 10:30am. If schools are canceled, LIFT will be canceled
* and on facebook: "Juniata Ladies In Fellowship Together"
* Bring: A friend or neighbor that could be encouraged with the word of God and support of other women.
* "Sharing Table": you may bring something you think another LIFT lady would appreciate.