Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Homemade Gift Ideas - Nov. 14

Are the stores really decked for Christmas?

Hues of gold, green, and red?
This year, less spending is a must.
And I'm making meaningful gifts instead!!

We hope you can join us at LIFT....

Wednesday, Nov. 14 (new date)
Homemade Gift Ideas
Gift-giving doesn't need to be expensive.
Come hear great gift ideas that are both homemade and inexpensive.
If you have gift ideas please bring them to share with us.

Gifts for the community Christmas Angel
project should be returned on at this LIFT. 
* DON'T FORGET the Christmas Angel Project. If you took a Christmas ornament gift tag, please bring your wrapped gift to this LIFT event.
* Free childcare again by our AWESOME staff!!
* Don't forget to "LIKE" us on facebook: "Juniata Ladies In Fellowship Together" (46 friends and counting)