New LIFT Brochure |
September 19– Let’s Have Tea
We will begin the year with a tea. Come catch up with old friends and make some new ones. If you have a fabric “stash” bring a swatch of fabric to contribute to a quilted wall hanging.
October 17– Window Craft
Old wooden frame windows will be turned into a unique message board. All supplies will be provided.
Cost: $8.
November 21– Homemade Gift Ideas
Gift-giving doesn’t need to be expensive. Come hear great gift ideas that are both homemade and inexpensive. If you have gift ideas please bring them to share with us.
December 12– Christmas Brunch
Bring a food to share for brunch. Instead of a gift exchange this year we will be collecting donations for the Juniata County Food Pantry (food, toiletry items, cleaning products, or money).
January 16– How to Support a Grieving Friend
Brenda Auker, a registered nurse and bereavement counselor, will give us some tips on how to support friends who have experienced a loss.
February 20– Swap
Do you have some things you don’t use, but think that other LIFT ladies may find useful? Bring those items to “swap”. Ideas: clothing, craft supplies, fabric, books, accessories, etc.
March 20– Keeping a Princess Heart
We will watch the DVD Keeping a Princess Heart by Christian speaker Nicole Johnson. She performs one-woman sketches addressing topics such as valuing great girlfriends, turning fear into faith, and more.
April 17– Make & Take a New Purse
Using an ordinary fabric placemat we will each create a one-of-kind purse. Supplies will be provided. Cost: $4.
May 15– Veggie Gardening Tips & Picnic
We will meet at the park by the Juniata County Library. Maggie Shafferman of Hunter’s Run Nursery will give us some vegetable gardening and pest control tips. Some childcare workers will be there. Please bring your own picnic lunch.