Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall Retreat

Please mark your calendars for a
Fall Retreat
held at Lost Creek Church on
Friday, Oct. 26, 7:00pm
for both women and men.

Gene and Nancy Forrey will speak on
"Communicating Our Faith Through Stories."
Gene and Nancy were at LIFT several years ago.
We had record breaking attendance to hear them speak about dealing with depression.

You don't want to miss them at this retreat.

Church's website:

Upcoming Event

October 17– Window Craft

Old wooden frame windows will be turned into a unique message board. All supplies will be provided. Sizes: 29w x 32h or 29w x 35h  Cost: $8 Please sign up by contacting Judy at 734-2122. Some extra supplies will be available the day of the event.
Make this message board the way YOU would like! Supplies are provided.
Left side supports mini clothes pins to hang photos, notes, papers, etc.
The right side can me used as a dry-erase board with glass infront of decorative paper.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

LIFT Tea Party

Welcome back to LIFT!

This year’s theme is:
“Call Her Blessed”

September 19, 2012
We began the LIFT year with a tea. We caught up with old friends and made some new ones.

“Her children arise and call her blessed.” Proverbs 31: 28a

“God is in the interruptions of our life and seldom in our plans.” - Gloria Gather

Think about interruptions in the Bible
- The woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus (Mark 5)
- A crippled man was lowered through the roof of a house while Jesus was preached (Jesus’ sermon was not even recorded in the Bible) (Mark 2)
- Mary was told by an angel she would be the mother of the Son of God (Matthew 1:18)
- Mary and Joseph lost Jesus at the temple when he was age 12 (Luke 2). When you feel like a bad parent, remember that at least you didn’t loose the Son of God.

Our hope this year is that not only does your children/family arise and call you blessed, but also that you would bless the other ladies at LIFT. Bless them with

- words you say
- things you do
- prayers you send on their behalf

Mrs. Kimbel gave some helpful and humorous tea etiquette lessons.

Cute little sandwiches that were so, so good!

Smiles and a feeling of community were felt at LIFT.

Making new friends

Catching up with LIFT ladies
Finding things in common with other ladies.

Feeling like you belong among ladies just like YOU.

We look forward to seeing you again next month!
October 17– Window Craft

Old wooden frame windows will be turned into a unique message board. All supplies will be provided.
Cost: $8. Watch this site for craft picture and more information.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

We hope YOU feel blessed this year!

2012-2013 Theme: Call Her Blessed
Committee Includes:
Front: Gretchen Glick, Judy Mummau, Mashelle Moyer
Back: Wanda Lauver, Karen Rissler 

New Schedule Released!!

New LIFT Brochure
Theme: Call Her Blessed

September 19– Let’s Have Tea
We will begin the year with a tea. Come catch up with old friends and make some new ones. If you have a fabric “stash” bring a swatch of fabric to contribute to a quilted wall hanging.

October 17– Window Craft
Old wooden frame windows will be turned into a unique message board. All supplies will be provided.
Cost: $8.

November 21– Homemade Gift Ideas
Gift-giving doesn’t need to be expensive. Come hear great gift ideas that are both homemade and inexpensive. If you have gift ideas please bring them to share with us.

December 12– Christmas Brunch
Bring a food to share for brunch. Instead of a gift exchange this year we will be collecting donations for the Juniata County Food Pantry (food, toiletry items, cleaning products, or money).

January 16– How to Support a Grieving Friend
Brenda Auker, a registered nurse and bereavement counselor, will give us some tips on how to support friends who have experienced a loss.

February 20– Swap
Do you have some things you don’t use, but think that other LIFT ladies may find useful? Bring those items to “swap”. Ideas: clothing, craft supplies, fabric, books, accessories, etc.

March 20– Keeping a Princess Heart
We will watch the DVD Keeping a Princess Heart by Christian speaker Nicole Johnson. She performs one-woman sketches addressing topics such as valuing great girlfriends, turning fear into faith, and more.

April 17– Make & Take a New Purse
Using an ordinary fabric placemat we will each create a one-of-kind purse. Supplies will be provided. Cost: $4.

May 15– Veggie Gardening Tips & Picnic
We will meet at the park by the Juniata County Library. Maggie Shafferman of Hunter’s Run Nursery will give us some vegetable gardening and pest control tips. Some childcare workers will be there. Please bring your own picnic lunch.