Go behind the scenes as we “Give Time” by volunteering at Abundant Blessings Thrift Store on Wednesday, April 20.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. “Where do we go first?”
Come, as usual, to Lost Creek Mennonite Church. Arrive around 9:00 am to socialize before our prayer time. We will also get a quick glimpse at Abundant Blessing’s mission told by AB visionary/founder Linda Geissinger. Through a short video, she’ll help us understand where AB’s support goes. You’ll be glad you’re “Giving Time!” 2. “Will there be childcare?” YES. Normal childcare will be provided by our dedicated staff (Yeah, staff!!). We encourage you to provide them with your cell phone number, because we will not be that far away.
3. “Will there be refreshments?”
No, not this time. Make sure you eat breakfast.
4. “When are we going to Abundant Blessings.” We plan to be at AB by 9:50am.
5. “Can I meet you at the store?”
Of coarse, but you may not want to miss the 9:00 social time or fascinating info. 6. “What will we be doing?” GIVING TIME. The management will assign us jobs to do. You’ll be amazed at what all goes on behind the scenes!
7. “I didn’t sign up, can I still come? Can I bring a friend?” As always, YES and YES
8. “How long are we staying at AB?” Our childcare staff knows we may be a little late. But, we plan to return to the church soon after 11:00.
9. “Can I stay longer?” Yes! AB is ALWAYS looking for volunteer help. Feel free to stay as long as you would like.
10. “AB supports MCC, What is MCC?” Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God's love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. Find out more at: http://www.mcc.org/
11. “How can I give more?”
Talk to one of the managers if you can give a couple hours a month or week. This is a worthwhile mission to give time to. You’ll love seeing how everyone works together at AB for the cause of Christ. 12. “Who do I ask if I have more question?”
Call Wanda 463-9092 or e-mail Judy: judymummau@ embarqmail.com We’re always glad to answer your questions. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!