In less than an hour, we knotted five comforters!! The chit-chat was pleasant to the ears as busy hands tied simple knots. The patches had been previously sewn together by the Lost Creek Mennonite Church Sewing Circle. Last year, the church sent 53 comforters to MCC.
In 2010, over 52,000 comforters and blankets from US and Canada were given where needed most by MCC. Of those, over 26,000 were given in Haiti alone.
Judy reminded the ladies to share with their children or family members today that t
Judith shared valuable information about the “Weekend To Remember Marriage Getaway” in Hershey, February 25-27. See her before the end of January for a half price discount!
Get ready to make cards next month!
I’m sure you will be able to think of people to give the cards too.
BUT, did you think of a friend to invite yet?
**Save the Date: February 16.