Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

2017-2018 LIFT Schedule

September 20
Welcome Back Tea

We welcome you back for a new year of LIFT with a relaxing tea party.
Enjoy fellowship and refreshments with other ladies as we sip tea

October 18
Seeing Jesus in Our Everyday Lives

Speaker, mother, and member of Nekoda Unlimited Ministries, Tara Hartley, will share on the importance of seeing Jesus in our everyday lives; and how to recognize the Lord when He is pouring us out of ourselves, to be able to fill us with Himself.

November 15
Pie Baking Tips

Melanie Stoltzfus, local mother of 5, will be demonstrating how to
bake pies with hands on instructions and advice.

December 13
Potluck Christmas Brunch

Get in the holiday spirit with a Christmas potluck brunch. Please
bring a dish to share.

January 17
Round Table Discussion

While we have discussion, enjoy a hot beverage from our hot chocolate
bar. Our winter round table will include topics of parenting, cooking,
cleaning, and more.

February 21
Finding Hope in Infant Loss

Mandy Maneval will share her experience as a "loss Mama" and how it
led to the creation of the non-profit organization Smallest Gift. She
will be bringing blankets for us to knot, which will be included in
her care packages to other grieving families.

March 21
Spring Painting Party

With step by step instructions from artist Judy Mummau, we will create
a spring mason jar painting with glued-on daisies.We ask $10.00 to
cover supplies.

April 18
Women’s Self-Defence Class

Officer Trisha Moench and her husband, Constable Tim Moench, will be
teaching us a women’s self-defence class. Join us as we seek to lessen
vulnerability to attacks, learn strategies for handling various
attacks and more.

May 16
Cupcake Decorating

Karen Rissler and Destiny Moyer will be giving tips and tricks on
cupcake decorating. Each of you will be able to decorate and take home
a cupcake.