Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Cookie Exchange - was a Yummy Event!

Lori helps us think about the "Perfect Gift"
Are you thinking about giving


Here are things to consider:
1. Is it Usefulness? What we need is through Jesus. We need Him everyday.
"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
2. Does it have Value? God gave us Jesus. He is the son the Highest King! Upon seeing the infant Jesus, Simeon said, “For my eyes have seen your salvation” Luke 2:30.
3. Is it Precious? Does it have meaning? Jesus did not stay a baby! “You are redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” 1 Peter 1:19.
4. Is it Wrapped Beautifully? Some of the names for Jesus are: Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Counselor, Creator, Emmanuel, and Faithful.
Do you have the Perfect Gift? JESUS


We filled our plates full of cookies
during the Cookie Exchange!

Yummy in the Tummy,
Cookie Exchange!

Thanks for all your hard work in the kitchen to fill us with holiday cheer!

Mashelle read a fun story during our White Elephant Gift Exchange

You opened;
You heard Ooos and Ahhs;
But you swapped;
You laughed;
And you went home with a:
      White Elephant??

Thanks for the fun White Elephant Gift Exchange! It was neat to see home-made soaps, a home-made coffee mix, knit dish towel (did you make that after our October LIFT??), candles, chocolate, and other fun gifts from home.

Two DIY Projects.
The Cookie Cutter Wreath was given away to a name that was
pulled from facebook posts. Hope you enjoy it Amy!!
Here are two
DIY projects. LEFT: Create a cookie cutter wreath by attaching cutters with paper clips (on both sides), add red twisty-ties between cutters, and hang with a ribbon. RIGHT:  Get your kids to make this easy luminaries. Cut a strip of aluminum foil. Draw a design on the non-glossy side. Place foil on foam tray. Let children use a nail to poke holes around the drawn design. Wrap foil around glass jar and attach with one piece of tape.

The older children's class
enjoyed Christmas crafts provided by
our Awesome Childcare Givers!

The GREATEST Gift of ALL: Jesus

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cookie Exchange on December 14


LIFT Cookie Exchange
SECOND Wednesday
December 14, 2011
9:00am - 11:00am
Merry Christmas Ladies!
We look forward to getting together soon.
You may bring (optional):
 * About 3 dozen cookies to exchange and an extra container to put your new cookies in.
 * The recipe for your cookies
 * A wrapped White Elephant gift (gift from home)
 * A friend that could use a blessing of a retreat.