September 15: GIVE A WELCOME!! Flip Flops, Friends, and Fudge – Invite your friends, slip on your flip flops and join us as we begin a new year. Bring: A friend and a salty snack to share.
October 20: GIVE THANKS FOR FALL! Scarecrow Craft – Our favorite crafter Betty Scholl will come to lead us in making a fall craft – a free standing wooden scarecrow. Bring: Money (approx. $15) to cover the craft cost.
November 17: GIVE A MEAL AND MEAL IDEAS! We will be dividing up the food we bring to give to shut-ins and we will sample some of the food as well. Bring: A favorite crock pot dish or oven baked dish along with the recipe. Also bring other favorite recipes plus your favorite time and money saving ideas.
December 8 (note date): GIVE A GIFT! Local Pampered Chef consultant Joni Geissinger will prepare a Christmas brunch for us to enjoy. Bring: A $5 gift to share in a gift exchange.
January 19: GIVE COMFORT! We will be knotting comforts for the Lost Creek Sewing Circle. The comforts will be sent to Mennonite Central Committee, a world-wide relief agency. Bring: A pair of sharp scissors.
February 16: GIVE A CARD! We will have four hand stamped cards demonstrated for us to “make and take.”
March 16: GIVE A LIFE! We will be throwing a baby shower for Crossroads Pregnancy Center, a local crisis pregnancy center. Sheila Werner from Crossroads will join us to receive our gifts and to share about their ministry. Bring: Any slightly used children’s clothing (0-2T sizes only) and items for Crossroads’ layette kit list (more details to come). Please bring gifts unwrapped.
April 20: GIVE TIME! We plan to travel to Abundant Blessings Thrift Shop at 9:30am to volunteer in the shop for an hour. Normal childcare will be available.
May 18: GIVE FLOWERS! Come add some new plants to your garden as we participate in a perennial swap. Local greenhouse owner, Maggie Shafferman, will give us valuable information about growing and maintaining our perennials. Any plants leftover will be donated to Abundant Blessings. After our regular meeting, we will have an end of the year picnic at the park beside the Juniata County Library. Bring: Bagged, boxed, or potted perennials from your garden, plus your own picnic lunch.
Watch the blog for more information and photos of events.