Ladies In Fellowship Together

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

“But I trust in you, O LORD? I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me. Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love.” Psalm 31:14-16

Lori opened our meeting with prayer time and devotions. She continued our discussion on women of the Bible by highlighting Mary and Martha. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to what he had to say while Martha busied herself with the tasks of the day. “Instead of stewing the pot of food, she stewed in the living room” by complaining that Mary was not helping. Can we relate to Mary or Martha?
Mary /Martha
Resting /Restless
Worshipping /Worrying
Peace /Panic
Sitting /Stewing
Listening /Lashing Out
Commended By Jesus /Confronted By Jesus
Jesus wants our time to be focused on him and he will take care of our needs.

Good discussion, Good ideas!! Thanks to everyone for sharing their money saving ideas! This was one of my favorite LIFT events this year. Things that were mentioned included:
* Cleaning with Vinegar. Someone used vinegar and baking soda to clean their toilet. A half bottle of windex was filled with vinegar. (and you can use newspapers to wipe down your windows!), and vinegar and hair conditioner can be mixed to create fabric softener.
* Place a brick in your toilet water tank to save water.
* Whisk is a good and cheap laundry detergent. You can even make your own (see recipe below). * Another lady never uses her dryer. In the summer she dries clothing on the washline, in the winter she puts them on hangers and hangs them on the bar of her unused shower rod.
* Someone showed an example of turning an old favorite t-shirt into a tote bag. The sleeves, collar, and bottom hem were cut off and the bottom was stitched closed. Quick and easy!

More Ideas we liked:
• Use reusable shopping bags as gift wrap
• Turn unwanted school papers into scrap paper for crafts and printing e-mails, etc
• In the summer, minimize the use of your stove and oven by moving a toaster oven and slow cooker to the porch.
• Use cloth napkins
• Have a timer in the bathroom to keep showers five or ten minutes long. Put a timer on your hot water heater for about 4 hours a day.
• Make or buy hooded towels for each child. Kids use less towels and hang them up quicker, saving laundry time.
• Shop at Thrift Stores. We all love Abundant Blessings (two people even won gift certificates!!)
• Use a solar flashlight

Websites we talked about:

Here's the laundry detergent recipe:
1 55 oz. box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
1/2 cup Mule Team Borax
2 Cups Oxygen Cleaner-She recommends Sun ($5 @ Dollar General or Family Dollar)
1/2 cup Simple Green--I used Seventh Generation Multipurpose cleaner--later in the thread she said
the any multi purpose cleaner will do...what this means is a liquid in a spray bottle (a household cleaner)
1/2 cup Calgon Water Softening Powder (if you can only find liquid, that's fine, but add in a box of baking soda to the batch)

Empty all into a bucket and mix together with your hands. Use 1 heaping
scoop (like in the oxygen cleaner) for diapers, 2 scoops for regular

She tells me that this formula will be very comparable to Allen's.

Cost - Washing Soda 2.99 Use Full Box 2.99
Borax 2.99 Use 1/2 cup .30
Simple Green 2.89 Use 1/2 cup .50
Calgon 4.99 1 cap liquid .31 (I couldn't find powder)
Oxygen Clnr 5.00 Use 2 cups 1.25
Total Investment 18.86 5.25 (Used in batch)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Think Green! Wedneday, April 21

There will even be doorprizes to give out during our discussion of ways we save money and the enviroment. (Prizes include: 2 Abundant Blessings gift certificates, Energy saving light bulbs, CCD recycling bag, water bottles, and more!)

Bring your money saving ideas and great household tips to aid in our discussion. It's bound to be another fun time!

LIFT goes from 9:30am - 11:00am. Remember, there is even free childcare by our awesome trusted staff! See you then.

Details about our last LIFT event (Container Gardening & Picnic on May 19) will be announced.